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Yayasan Khazanah Scholarship Experience!

First of all, a disclaimer-my experience is based on Khazanah Watan Scholarship tapi stage 1 until stage 3 sama je dengan Khazanah Global. They only split us at the fourth stage maybe because Watan Scholarship only has 4 stages meanwhile there are 5 stages for Global Scholarship if I don't mistaken.  First step, Application!   Yes, kalau tak apply macam mana nak pegi next stage, right? Application process sama je macam scholar lain cumanya YK ni ada 1000 words essay. Yes, 1000 words HAHAHA (laughing in pain) and this is why ramai orang malas nak apply-malas nak buat essay. Kan dah lama habis SPM, lepastu nak perah otak buat essay and the main reason is khazanah punya scholar kan susah nak dapat tapi belum cuba belum tahu kan? Kalau kawan-kawan korang tak apply sebab malas nak buat essay, why not you give a try sebab kita taktahu rezeki kita kat mana. I applied a lot of scholarships but I only passed Khazanah Scholarship and of course I didn't expect it at all.  They basically a

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